Demolitionist Weapons
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Demolitionist weapons are a new weapon class introduced in Origins based on pre-existing explosives. Demolitionist weapons are known for their explosive properties, which can utilize their area of effect for splash damage, area denial or crowd control. Demolitionist weapons generally offer the best offensive capabilities, but are very expensive compared to other weapon types and ammunition. There is also the added risk of the player damaging themselves when nearby the explosion. Some Demolitionist weapons can be used for utility or tile destruction as well.
Due to their nature, explosive weapons have specific quirks that other damage classes are not normally affected by. Explosive weapons are more harshly affected by defense in order to offset their high base damage. Additionally, all weapons and equipment considered explosive receive half the benefit from any generic boosts, including boosts from accessory modifiers.
Boost Gear
The following items will boost the stats of Demolitionist weapons.
Armor sets
Explosive specific
Generic boosts
Explosive specific
Generic boosts
Explosive specific
Generic boosts
Plenty Satisfied
Exquisitely Stuffed
Wrath Potion
Cute Fishron Mount
Feral Bite
Damage Nebula
Ammo Box (non-thrown explosives only)
Ammo Reservation (non-thrown explosives only)
- Many of the ranged weapons classified as a launcher or consumable explosive have been officially re-classed as either "ranged-explosive" or "thrown explosive".
This does not remove functionality from vanilla launchers to benefit from any ranged bonuses that may be superior to current explosive bonuses while also promoting hybridization in loadouts.
- All vanilla and Origins launchers, except the Rocket Launcher and Snowman Cannon, can use both Rockets and Canisters as ammunition.
- Explosive weapons and equipment receive half the benefit from generic boosts for balance reasons.
This includes any boosts provided by accessory modifiers.
- Explosive weapons are more harshly affected by enemy defense than other damage classes to offset their high base damage.
- Explosive Artery, Haggard Artery, Protozoa Food and Volatile Gelatin benefit from explosive and generic boosts, but are not considered boost gear in of themselves.
- Non-thrown explosives benefit from effects of Ammo Boxes.
- The Ichor, Torn, Toxic Shock and Broken Armor debuffs are excellent ways of increasing the effectiveness of explosives.
- A strategy with some explosive weapons called "Self-Damage Dodging" (or "SDD" for short), involves the player utilizing the decreased damage received from hurting themselves from their own explosives to avoid an incoming attack that would deal more damage.
It is generally a good idea to maximize your self-damage protection in order to perform this without much of a cost to your health.