Self-damage is damage a player applies to themselves by accident or to dodge attacks. Self-damage is generally only applied by explosives for when the attacking player gets too close to their own weapons. With a full immunity provided against self-damage, the player won't receive any damage or knockback from the damaging weapon whatsoever. Likewise, anything with 99% or less protection reduces the damage and knockback recieved accordingly.
- As is in the vanilla game, self-damage, or more appropriately team damage, cannot be inflicted onto the teammates of a demolitionist player.
- In higher difficulties where enemies deal greater damage, it would be ideal for demolitionists with ample self-damage resistance to incorporate a strategy known as "Self-Damage Dodging" (or SDD for short) to avoid the higher amount of the two damage sources by hurting themself for less.
With a well-timed explosive attack, the player can avoid potentially fatal damage at any point in the game.
It is worth noting that while this strategy consistently works throughout the entire rest of the game, it does not work for when fighting Moon Lord as he uses his own immunity frame counter.
- Some strategies also incorporate the use of self-damage as a means of attack such as through the use of Razorwire.
See item synergies for more details.