Item synergies
Item synergies are any combination of accessories, armor, consumables and weapons that all benefit from each other to promote a unique way of playing the game.
Some item synergies are more powerful than others and some offer completely different purposes during gameplay.
Below is a list of all notable synergies, their strategies and their methods of achieving.
{Class:`Melee`, Difficulty:`Classic`, Items:`Soulhide Armor and Bone Latcher`, Notes:`Paired with the Bone Latcher, the player can constantly pull enemies in to inflict the Shadefire debuff provided by Soulhide's set bonus.`},
{Class:`Melee-Ranged, Magic or Explosive hybrid`, Difficulty:`Classic`, Items:`Nematoclaw and Gun Glove, Magic Glove or Missile Armcannon`, Notes:`Any melee weapon that is swung like a broadsword benefits from having a Gun Glove, Magic Glove, Missile Armcannon or any of their upgrades equipped. The added damage from firing a set amount of projectiles depending on your attack speed each swing can be quite game changing, especially with the introduction of a ranged attack to hit enemies from afar using a weapon without such functionality. Fast, claw-like weapons like the Nematoclaw make the perfect candidates for these three glove archetypes to the point where it's just a matter of what kind of ammo you want to use. It is also worth noting that only one of their effects can be expressed at a time based on which is equipped in the bottommost accessory slot.`},
{Class:`Ranger`, Difficulty:`Classic`, Items:`HNO-3 "Viper" and Messy Leech or Any elemental bullet`, Notes:`The Viper benefits from having guaranteed critical strikes against enemies inflicted with any debuff other than Toxic Shock. The Messy Leech (and its upgrades) and/or any elemental bullet like the Alkahest Bullet are a good way to secure that. Alkahest Bullets are especially useful for the fact that the additional Torn will make afflicted enemies more susceptible to the high base damage the Viper offers.`},
{Class:`Mage`, Difficulty:`Classic`, Items:`Nimbus Rod and Shimmer Rod`, Notes:`The Nimbus and Shimmer Rods have separate active projectile counters from each other and can be used in tandem to create any four-sided shape or just a straight line of damage. This is a small item combo, but could be used to further amplify DPS.`},
{Class:`Mage`, Difficulty:``, Items:`Lost Armor, Abyssal Anchor, Binding Book, Refactoring Pieces and Petrified Prickly Pear`, Notes:`All of these items equipped equates to a total mana shielding amount of 85%, which is the highest currently reachable in Origins. The player will notice a huge increase in their survivability with all of these equipped so long as they seek out sources of defense boosts. Some of the bonuses of Lost Armor and Abyssal Anchor also benefit mages as well.`},
{Class:`Mage`, Difficulty:``, Items:`Spectre Armor and Missing File`, Notes:`Equipping Spectre armor (with the Hood specifically) and using the Missing File in multiplayer allows the player to remotely heal their teammates if nearby the same enemies they are. You could be nearby biomes like the Jungle Temple while your teammate ventures into the Temple healing them without even being in danger of the enemies yourself. The amount of damage Missing File deals even with the damage reduction of Spectre armor should heal for a significant portion of health as well.`},
{Class:`Demolitionist`, Difficulty:`Classic`, Items:`Self-Destruct, Blast Armor, Razorwire and Haggard Artery`, Notes:`This playstyle is generally not sustainable without a dedicated healer on your team, however, it is one of the most rewarding playstyles with careful use. Damaging yourself with the Self-Destruct while having the rest equipped allows you to be more aggressive by closing in to damage enemies from your self-detonations, while also dealing additional damage from the Razorwire and Haggard Artery combo. The Razorwire projectiles will help the Haggard Artery inflict the Bleeding debuff it needs in order to cause additional explosions. The built-in synergy between Blast armor and Self-Destruct also ensures that your combat stats are always boosted as well.`},
{Class:`Demolitionist`, Difficulty:`Classic`, Items:`Mine Flayer, CORE Generator and Magic Tripwire`, Notes:`The combination of the Mine Flayer's mine spam, and the benefits offered from CORE Generator and Magic Tripwire make this particular build useful for crowd control. However, the player can afford a more aggressive playstyle by incorporating the use of self-damage dodging to avoid the higher damage values enemies offer by hurting yourself with a lower amount; provided the player has ample self-damage resistance.`},
{Class:`Demolitionist`, Difficulty:``, Items:`Bomboomstick, Bleeding Obsidian Armor and Control Locus`, Notes:`This combo is only obtainable in Master Mode, but can be incredibly fun due to how much you can experiment with the choice of grenades in vanilla and Origins. Be aware of reaching the entity limit quickly, however, especially if an Emergency Bee Canister is equipped when Beenades are being fired.`},
{Class:`Generic`, Difficulty:`Classic`, Items:`Ambition Potion, Protean Potion and Any Emblem`, Notes:`Combining this synergy with mix-and-matching armor set pieces that offer the highest raw damage could be extremely powerful, especially for explosives with already high base damage. You could also reforge all of your accessories to Menacing for even more damage. Be aware that all generic boosts are halved for explosives as well.`},
{Class:`Generic`, Difficulty:`Classic`, Items:`Bomb Launcher and Scarab Bombs`, Notes:`This synergy is not as attack-focused as much as it provides added utility. This provides a pretty straight-forward way of mining through the world by utilizing the alternate use function of a Bomb Launcher loaded with Scarab Bombs.`},
{Class:`Generic`, Difficulty:``, Items:`Nova Armor, Nova Swarm and Control Locus`, Notes:`An end-game, utility-based strategy to prove even more useful than the one above. This combo still focuses less on the obvious combat potential and more of its utility. Using this combination is the easiest way to destroy entire areas or fill entire sections of the world with liquids depending on whatever liquid rocket you use. Nothing beats the Demolitionist quality of life! That's why we put most of their content underground, that's just game design!`}
- All of the items mentioned could have upgrades/combo accessories that inherit their effect or improve upon it.
For simplicity, only the most basic of an accessory from its upgrade tree will be mentioned so the minimum of obtaining the synergy is more clear.