Gel Blister
The Gel Blister is a floating, teal-colored wound-like background object in the Riven Hive. A world with the Riven features several Gel Blisters, and destroying three of them (in a single world) summons the World Cracker for the player to fight. This can be done using any hammer or explosive. Gel Blisters emit a teal-blue light that phases in and out like everything else Riven-themed. They are the Riven counterpart to the Corruption's Shadow Orbs or the Crimson's Crimson Hearts.
Consequences of destruction
- Each Gel Blister drops items when destroyed.
The first will always drop a Riven Splitter accompanied with 99 Harpoons, of which satisfies the criteria for the Arms Dealer to move in.
- Destroying at least one Gel Blister fulfills one of the two criteria for a Goblin Army to attack (having at least 200 health is the other requirement).
- The third Gel Blister destroyed summons the aforementioned World Cracker, which spawns immediately.
The World Cracker is re-summoned with every third Gel Blister destroyed.
- Each Gel Blister gives a separate 50% chance of immediately causing a meteorite to fall when destroyed between midnight (12:00 AM) and dawn (4:30 AM).
Destroying any number of Gel Blisters between dawn and midnight will only allow one 50% chance of a meteorite falling the following midnight.
- Once a Gel Blister is destroyed, the Traveling Merchant has a chance to sell the Revolver.
The following status messages appear upon destruction of the Gel Blisters:
- First blister: "A horrible chill goes down your spine..."
- Second blister: "Screams echo around you..."
- Third blister: "World Cracker has awoken!"