Riven Hive

"An ecosystem the Primordial Amoeba forced into existence so it could eat away at the world."
The Riven Hive is an evil biome with a blue-teal and aquatic/bug-like theme, in contrast to the red and gorey Crimson and purple decaying Corruption, its counterparts. It is also an alternative to the Defiled and currently planned Ashen. Every world will contain one of the four generated randomly except for special seeds (each with a 25% chance of occurring) or chosen by the player upon world creation. All contain unique hazards and feature their own enemies, items, blocks and their own methods of inflicting Assimilation. The tools, weapons and armor obtained via Riven materials generally have decent advantages over those obtained via Corruption or Crimson materials, but are obtained from tougher enemies within the biome. Currently, the Riven Hive is deemed the hardest of the four currently-implemented evil biomes, but is also the most rewarding.
The Riven Hive will initially spawn in the world as a giant crack in the ground with chambers branching out from the sides. On the surface, Riven Grass, Exoskeletal Trees and Acetabularia will generate. Within the Hive, Wrycoral will spawn hanging from the ceilings of the chambers within. Unlike the vanilla counterparts, the Riven does not have thorny bushes.
The Riven spreads and slowly converts adjacent tiles to their Riven variants. The crack, Riven Altars and Gel Blisters will only appear upon world generation, and will not spawn in a Riven area that has formed from the spread. If the Riven manages to take over a new area, then that area will adopt the Riven's theme and its respective enemies may spawn. For an area to be considered Riven, at least 300 tiles of Riven Grass or Riven blocks must be present.
See the Underground Riven Hive for the content found during Hardmode in and under the Cavern layer.
The Riven spreads itself, similar to the alternate evils and the Hallow. This means that it slowly converts certain susceptible tiles that are in the vicinity of existing Riven blocks. While its spreading capabilities are very limited during pre-Hardmode, it spreads much faster and more aggressively after defeating the Wall of Flesh. Defeating Plantera for the first time reduces the speed of the Riven's spread by 1/2 (50%).
Riven Desert and Snow
In Hardmode, the Riven can spread through a Desert or Snow biome transforming them into their respective Riven versions. Both the Riven Desert and Snow biome, are fairly similar to the Hive with the music and enemies being the same. The Riven Desert features its own set of enemies alongside the typical Riven enemies as well.
Sand is replaced by Silica, and cacti drop ordinary cactus even though they appear Riven in nature. Waterleaf is not able to grow in Riven Deserts. If a Riven Hive biome overlaps a Desert during world generation, Sand will be converted to Silica, but it will not spread until Hardmode.
Snow Blocks are not convertible, but Ice Blocks can be converted into Primordial Permafrost. Primordial Permafrost can be created during generation if a Riven Hive overlaps a Snow biome, but it will not spread until Hardmode.
Surface Desert
- Amoebic Mummies
Underground Desert
- Dark Lamias
- Desert Spirits
- Torn Ghouls
- The Riven Hive can be created or spread artificially using Riven Seeds, Sentient Powder, Gooey Water and either the Clentaminator or the Terraformer with Teal Solution, obtainable from the Steampunker during a Blood Moon in Riven worlds.
- It is possible to create an artificial alternate evil biome in a Defiled world without the use of another world.
To do so, one must buy any of the evil seeds in Hardmode from the Dryad while in a Graveyard.
- When dropping into the Riven Hive, be wary of pools of amebic gel below as falling in them means the player is inflicted with both Torn and Riven Assimilation, which makes the build up of Torn significantly faster.
It is also dangerous to drop into these pools as the amebic gel is more viscous than regular water, and could prevent the player from a swift exit.
- Using an Antisolve Potion counteracts the effects of Torn, but does not prevent the player from being fully assimilated to the Riven.
The use of this potion could significantly increase the duration of your trips to the Riven Hive and reduce risk as your max life will not be altered.
- Origins' developers greatly recommend the use of the Light Mod in Riven worlds.
- The Riven was originally planned to dawn a fleshy tan and orange coloration like the Ancient Riven Armor set. It was eventually decided that the Riven was due for a retheme as the original appeal and coloration would make it too similar to the Flood from the Halo series. Now the Riven dawns a uniquely blue and beautiful aquatic/bug-like theme that makes it stand out from the other evils while also not requiring a shader style.