
If you are looking for the official page on Shimmer, click here.

Shimmer is a shiny, lavender-colored, pearlescent liquid that can be found in the Aether mini-biome at any point in the game. Shimmer has the unique function of transmuting certain dropped items and entities submerged in it, but also now allows a player to cycle between different items of the same type to reduce the accessibility hindrances across world types. These are called "Shimmer cycles", and Origins adds a few alongside its normal Shimmer transmutations.

{ stations:[ 'Shimmer Transmutation' ], items:[ { result:'Ambrosia', ingredients:[ 'Any Fruit' ] }, { result:'Ancient Defiled Helmet', ingredients:[ 'Defiled Helmet' ] }, { result:'Ancient Defiled Breastplate', ingredients:[ 'Defiled Breastplate' ] }, { result:'Ancient Defiled Greaves', ingredients:[ 'Defiled Greaves' ] }, { result:'Ancient Hallowed Visage', ingredients:[ 'Hallowed Visage' ] }, { result:'Ancient Riven Mask', ingredients:[ 'Riven Mask' ] }, { result:'Ancient Riven Coat', ingredients:[ 'Riven Coat' ] }, { result:'Ancient Riven Pants', ingredients:[ 'Riven Pants' ] }, { result:'Asylum Whistle', ingredients:[ 'Bomb Handling Device' ] }, { result:'Band of Regeneration', ingredients:[ 'Bomb Charm' ] }, { result:'Bilious Crate', ingredients:[ 'Pointy Crate' ] }, { result:'Bomb Charm', ingredients:[ 'Band of Regeneration' ] }, { result:'Bleeding Obsidian Kunai', ingredients:[ 'Magic Dagger' ] }, { result:'Bomb Handling Device', ingredients:[ 'Asylum Whistle' ] }, { result:'Chambersite', ingredients:[ 'Chambersite Bunny' ] }, { result:'Chambersite', ingredients:[ 'Chambersite Squirrel' ] }, { result:'Coal(4)', ingredients:[ 'Peatball' ] }, { result:'Comb', ingredients:[ 'Shackle' ] }, { result:'Crusty Crate', ingredients:[ 'Festering Crate' ] }, { result:'Defiled Helmet', ingredients:[ 'Ancient Defiled Helmet' ] }, { result:'Defiled Breastplate', ingredients:[ 'Ancient Defiled Breastplate' ] }, { result:'Defiled Greaves', ingredients:[ 'Ancient Defiled Greaves' ] }, { result:'Defiled Sand', ingredients:[ 'Defiled Sandstone' ] }, { result:`Defiled Sand`, ingredients:[ `Hardened Defiled Sand Block` ] }, { result:`Eitrite Bar`, ingredients:[ `Hallowed Bar` ] }, { result:'Festering Crate', ingredients:[ 'Crusty Crate' ] }, { result:`Hallowed Bar`, ingredients:[ `Eitrite Bar` ] }, { result:'Hallowed Visage', ingredients:[ 'Ancient Hallowed Visage' ] }, { result:'Magic Dagger', ingredients:[ 'Bleeding Obsidian Kunai' ] }, { result:`Mojo Injection`, ingredients:[ `Nature's Gift` ] }, { result:'Pointy Crate', ingredients:[ 'Bilious Crate' ] }, { result:`Purification Powder`, ingredients:[ `Dreadful Powder` ] }, { result:`Purification Powder`, ingredients:[ `Sentient Powder` ] }, { result:`Purification Powder`, ingredients:[ `Urn of Ashes` ] }, { result:'Riven Mask', ingredients:[ 'Ancient Riven Mask' ] }, { result:'Riven Coat', ingredients:[ 'Ancient Riven Coat' ] }, { result:'Riven Pants', ingredients:[ 'Ancient Riven Pants' ] }, { result:'Shackle', ingredients:[ 'Comb' ] }, { result:'Silica', ingredients:[ 'Brittle Quartz' ] }, { result:'Silica', ingredients:[ 'Quartz' ] } ] }
Shimmer cycles

Shimmer cycles allow the player to drop certain items into the Shimmer for it to come out as an item of the same type but from a source that may or may not be present in the world. For example, a player can acquire Shadow Scales in a Defiled world by converting Undead Chunks into Riven Carapace, and then Riven Carapace into Shadow Scales. The list below shows all of the items in their respective Shimmer cycle sequences.

- Any Evil Boss materials
- Any Evil Herbs
- Any Evil Substances
- Any Evil Tissues
- Vile Mushroom, Vicious Mushroom, Soulspore, Acetabularia and Fungarust
- Demonite Ore, Crimtane Ore, Lost Ore, Encrusted Ore and Sanguinite Ore
- Purple Clubberfish, Blotopus, Manasynk, Ocotoral Bud and Internal Combustionfish
- Ebonkoi, Hemopiranha, Bilemouth, Tearracuda and Polyeel


- Defiled Sand and Silica are included in the 'Any Sand' recipe group already established by the base game.
- Endowood and Marrowick have also been included in the 'Any Wood' recipe group already established by the base game as well.